May 26, 2016
Location: EV.120
Seminar: Exact and approximate solution methods for Multi-level Facility Location Problems
Author: Camilo Ortiz

We study multi-level uncapacitated p-location problems, a general class of facility location problems. We use a combinatorial representation of the general problem where the objective function satisfies the submodularity property, and we exploit this characterization to derive worst-case bounds for a greedy heuristic and introduce a mixed integer linear programming formulation for the problem. Some computational results are summarized in the presentation.
About the author:
Researcher in combinatorial optimization and operations research. Particularly interested in discrete optimization problems on Network Design and Facility Location that have shown great applicability in areas such as telecommunications, production planning, transportation and logistics, health services, and others.
Software knowledge: Matlab, Maple, LaTeX, Office, C, C++, CPLEX and Mathematica.